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Science and imperialism: Setting the maritime sovereignty at the periphery of the French Empire through the survey of the Adriatic Sea (1806–1809)
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2024.06.001
Mirela Altic

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Adriatic was still insufficiently explored sea. The Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815), which in 1806 resulted in a territorial expansion of the French Empire to the eastern Adriatic (formerly part of the Austrian Empire), highlighted the issues of territorial sovereignty both on land and at sea, triggering the first hydrographic survey of the Adriatic. Napoleon Bonaparte, whose military operations were conducted precisely at sea, hired Charles François Beautemps-Beaupré, his best hydrographer, to conduct a hydrographic survey of the eastern coasts of the Adriatic. Conducted in the period 1806–1809, the survey resulted in the first modern hydrographic charts of the Adriatic that were accompanied by a hydrographic report, containing an analysis of its currents, winds, tides, and geomagnetism. Beautemps-Beaupré’s campaign was the first scientifically based survey of the Adriatic whose charts and the attached report represented a shift towards an all-encompassing convention of maritime cartography. It enhanced both the sovereignty over the newly acquired sea and the insight into the maritime theatre of the Napoleonic Wars, thus confirming a strong union between political power and science. The aim of the article is to show why the French survey was a turning-point in geographical knowledge on Adriatic and how French imperialism affected the knowledge on martime geography of the Adriatic Sea.



十九世纪初,亚得里亚海仍是未被充分开发的海域。拿破仑战争(1803-1815)于 1806 年导致法兰西帝国向亚得里亚海东部(以前是奥地利帝国的一部分)扩张领土,凸显了陆地和海上领土主权问题,引发了第一次亚得里亚海水文测量。拿破仑·波拿巴的军事行动是在海上精确进行的,他聘请了他最好的水文学家查尔斯·弗朗索瓦·博当普雷(Charles François Beautemps-Beaupré)对亚得里亚海东海岸进行水文测量。这项调查于 1806 年至 1809 年间进行,绘制了第一张亚得里亚海现代水文图表,并附有一份水文报告,其中包含对海流、风、潮汐和地磁的分析。博当-博普雷的活动是对亚得里亚海的第一次基于科学的调查,其图表和所附报告代表了向全方位海洋制图惯例的转变。它增强了对新获得的海洋的主权,并增强了对拿破仑战争海上战区的洞察力,从而证实了政治权力与科学之间的牢固结合。本文的目的是说明为什么法国的调查是亚得里亚海地理知识的转折点,以及法国帝国主义如何影响亚得里亚海海洋地理知识。