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3D imaging and analysis to unveil the impact of microparticles on the pellet morphology of filamentous fungi
Biotechnology and Bioengineering ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-29 , DOI: 10.1002/bit.28788
Anna Dinius 1, 2 , Henri Müller 3 , Diana Kellhammer 3 , Charlotte Deffur 3 , Stefan Schmideder 3 , Jörg U Hammel 4 , Rainer Krull 1, 2 , Heiko Briesen 3

Controlling the morphology of filamentous fungi is crucial to improve the performance of fungal bioprocesses. Microparticle-enhanced cultivation (MPEC) increases productivity, most likely by changing the fungal morphology. However, due to a lack of appropriate methods, the exact impact of the added microparticles on the structural development of fungal pellets is mostly unexplored. In this study synchrotron radiation-based microcomputed tomography and three-dimensional (3D) image analysis were applied to unveil the detailed 3D incorporation of glass microparticles in nondestructed pellets of Aspergillus niger from MPEC. The developed method enabled the 3D analysis based on 375 pellets from various MPEC experiments. The total and locally resolved volume fractions of glass microparticles and hyphae were quantified for the first time. At increasing microparticle concentrations in the culture medium, pellets with lower hyphal fraction were obtained. However, the total volume of incorporated glass microparticles within the pellets did not necessarily increase. Furthermore, larger microparticles were less effective than smaller ones in reducing pellet density. However, the total volume of incorporated glass was larger for large microparticles. In addition, analysis of MPEC pellets from different times of cultivation indicated that spore agglomeration is decisive for the development of MPEC pellets. The developed 3D morphometric analysis method and the presented results will promote the general understanding and further development of MPEC for industrial application.


3D 成像和分析揭示微粒对丝状真菌颗粒形态的影响

控制丝状真菌的形态对于提高真菌生物过程的性能至关重要。微粒强化培养(MPEC)很可能通过改变真菌形态来提高生产力。然而,由于缺乏适当的方法,添加的微粒对真菌颗粒结构发育的确切影响大多尚未被探索。在这项研究中,应用基于同步辐射的微计算机断层扫描和三维 (3D) 图像分析揭示了 MPEC 未破坏的黑曲霉颗粒中玻璃微粒的详细 3D 结合情况。开发的方法能够基于来自各种 MPEC 实验的 375 个颗粒进行 3D 分析。首次定量玻璃微粒和菌丝的总体积分数和局部解析体积分数。随着培养基中微粒浓度的增加,获得了具有较低菌丝分数的沉淀。然而,颗粒内掺入的玻璃微粒的总体积不一定增加。此外,较大的微粒在降低颗粒密度方面不如较小的微粒有效。然而,对于大的微粒来说,掺入的玻璃的总体积更大。此外,对不同培养时间的 MPEC 颗粒的分析表明,孢子团聚对于 MPEC 颗粒的发育至关重要。所开发的 3D 形态分析方法和所呈现的结果将促进 MPEC 的普遍理解和工业应用的进一步发展。