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Measurement of air permeance in mass timber elements assembled through the dovetail technique
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110009
Hüseyin Emre Ilgın , Sami Haapaniemi , Markku Karjalainen , Juha Vinha

Adhesives and metal fasteners are important components in engineered wood products (EWPs), but the petroleum-based nature of adhesives raises environmental concerns and metal fasteners lead to challenges with end-of-life disposal and reusability. However, there is a promising solution in the form of ‘mass timber elements assembled through the dovetail technique (MTADT)’, also called ‘dovetailed massive wood board elements’, which is entirely composed of wood and devoid of adhesive or metal connections. However, existing literature on MTADT has focused on insufficient structural analysis and model testing of connection details rather than assessing the performance of a structural component. In this study, air permeance measurement in MTADT was conducted in accordance with the Finnish building code as part of the DoMWoB project (Dovetailed Massive Wood Board Elements for Multi-Story Buildings). The research aimed to explore the impact of storage conditions and moisture content on the air permeance values of three massive wood elements with varying dimensions. The smallest element had dimensions of 1160 mm × 1160 mm x 200 mm, while the other two were approximately 1300 mm × 1300 mm x 200 mm in size. The results from the air permeance tests indicated significant variability among the three test pieces, with q values of 1.4 m³/(mh) for sample O, 2.9 m³/(mh) for sample K, and 9.9 m³/(mh) for sample Y. This data suggested that test piece Y demonstrates substantially higher air permeability compared to the other samples because it was the driest of these test elements.



粘合剂和金属紧固件是工程木制品 (EWP) 的重要组成部分,但粘合剂的石油基性质引发了环境问题,而金属紧固件则给报废处理和可重复使用性带来挑战。然而,有一个有前景的解决方案,即“通过燕尾技术(MTADT)组装的大块木材元件”,也称为“燕尾大块木板元件”,它完全由木材组成,没有粘合剂或金属连接。然而,现有的 MTADT 文献主要集中在对连接细节的结构分析和模型测试不足,而不是评估结构部件的性能。在本研究中,MTADT 中的空气渗透率测量是根据芬兰建筑规范进行的,作为 DoMWoB 项目(用于多层建筑的燕尾式大型木板元件)的一部分。该研究旨在探讨储存条件和含水量对三种不同尺寸的大型木质构件的透气度值的影响。最小的元件尺寸为 1160 mm × 1160 mm x 200 mm,而另外两个元件的尺寸约为 1300 mm × 1300 mm x 200 mm。透气度测试结果表明,三个测试件之间存在显着差异,样品 O 的 q 值为 1.4 m3/(mh),样品 K 的 q 值为 2.9 m3/(mh),样品 Y 的 q 值为 9.9 m3/(mh)该数据表明测试件 Y 与其他样品相比表现出明显更高的透气性,因为它是这些测试元件中最干燥的。