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Negative binomial community network vector autoregression for multivariate integer-valued time series
Applied Mathematical Modelling ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2024.06.025
Xiangyu Guo , Fukang Zhu

Modeling multivariate integer-valued time series with appropriate methods is currently a popular research topic. In this paper, we propose a multivariate integer-valued autoregressive time series model based on a fixed network community structure. We use the negative binomial distribution as the conditional marginal distribution and a copula to construct the conditional joint distribution. The newly proposed model introduces the heterogeneity of nodes. Stability conditions are provided for both fixed and increasing dimensions. We estimate the parameters of the proposed model by maximizing the quasi-likelihood function with known and unknown community membership matrices, respectively. Corresponding asymptotic properties of parameter estimates are also provided. A simulation study is conducted to demonstrate the asymptotic behavior of the proposed model, and two real datasets are employed to compare the proposed model with other competitive models.


