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Using Eye-Tracking to Measure Worker Situation Awareness in Augmented Reality
Automation in Construction ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2024.105582
Shaoze Wu , Haosen Chen , Lei Hou , Guomin (Kevin) Zhang , Chun-Qing Li

Augmented Reality (AR) technology has emerged as a promising tool for enhancing safety in the construction industry by improving the Situation Awareness (SA) of onsite workers. However, there is a lack of methods to quantify the impact of real-time AR visual warnings on developing and updating SA. To address this gap, this paper presents an eye-tracking-based method that quantifies the impact using three metrics: Time to First Fixation (TFF), Dwell Time (DT), and Revisit Interval (RI). A quasi-onsite experiment validated the feasibility of the proposed method and confirmed that AR warnings could reduce the time to reach Level 1 SA by 40.7% and reduce the interval for updating Level 2 and Level 3 SA by 43.45%. This method can be further combined with advanced visualisation measures to address perception, memory, thinking and mobility, eventually leading to insights on mental effort, decision making, interaction with computers, human reliability and work stress.



增强现实 (AR) 技术已成为一种很有前途的工具,可通过提高现场工人的态势感知 (SA) 来增强建筑行业的安全性。然而,缺乏量化实时 AR 视觉警报对制定和更新 SA 的影响的方法。为了解决这一差距,本文提出了一种基于眼动追踪的方法,该方法使用三个指标来量化影响:首次注视时间 (TFF)、停留时间 (DT) 和重访间隔 (RI)。准现场实验验证了该方法的可行性,并证实AR预警可以将达到1级SA的时间缩短40.7%,将更新2级和3级SA的时间间隔缩短43.45%。该方法可以进一步与先进的可视化措施相结合,以解决感知、记忆、思维和移动性问题,最终深入了解脑力劳动、决策、与计算机的交互、人类可靠性和工作压力。