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Applications of blockchain for construction project procurement
Automation in Construction ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2024.105550
Minju Kim , Yong-Woo Kim

Blockchain technology has shown potential in enhancing project performance by instilling trust in data sharing among stakeholders, thereby encouraging the stakeholders to ensure a strategic acquisition and resource management through procurement activities. However, despite the recent research efforts on blockchain in the construction sector, there is a lack of knowledge of the status quo in that barely any research investigated the synergy of blockchain and procurement by recognizing the inextricable linkage between procurement management and project delivery system. This paper conducts a systematic review of 54 articles to assess blockchain's potential in addressing issues inherent in the current organizational structures and collaborative efforts. Findings offer profound insight into the current landscape of procurement-specific blockchain research, highlighting areas needing attention. This paper identified opportunities in construction procurement by investigating the extent to which the technology is integrated into the current project management context emphasizing integration and collaboration.



区块链技术显示出通过在利益相关者之间灌输对数据共享的信任来提高项目绩效的潜力,从而鼓励利益相关者通过采购活动确保战略采购和资源管理。然而,尽管最近在建筑领域对区块链进行了研究,但人们对现状缺乏了解,几乎没有任何研究通过认识到采购管理和项目交付系统之间千丝万缕的联系来调查区块链和采购的协同作用。本文对 54 篇文章进行了系统回顾,以评估区块链在解决当前组织结构和协作工作中固有问题方面的潜力。研究结果对当前采购特定区块链研究的现状提供了深刻的见解,突出了需要关注的领域。本文通过调查技术集成到当前强调集成和协作的项目管理环境中的程度,确定了建筑采购中的机会。