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Accommodating agriculture at al-Khayran: Economic relations and settlement practices in the earliest agricultural communities of the southern Levant
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2024.101606
Matthew V. Kroot

Early agricultural practices are often viewed as such a radical transformation that they not only structured and drove the long-term development of subsistence economies, but also required a dramatic reorganization of how community-wide economic relations were reckoned and enacted. This article examines how data derived from loci of economic production can inform us about the structure of economic relations in early agricultural communities, so as to better test such claims of political-economic disruption against the archaeological record. It does so by analyzing the site of al-Khayran in the west-central Jordan. Al-Khayran dates to the southern Levantine Middle Pre-Pottery Neolithic B, the time period when predominantly agricultural economies first emerge in the region. Results show that a typical village-based residential group temporarily and repeatedly inhabited a substantially-built in-field structure while practicing intensive agricultural production. These results indicate that the site’s inhabitants carried out a form of dual residence mobility with heavy investment on-site in perimetrics via landesque capital. Such behavior suggests that at least some residential groups in this time period were indeed corporate groups that agentively intervened in economic systems to actively assert and enact the private holding of the means of production during the emergence of agricultural economies.



早期的农业实践通常被视为一种彻底的转变,它们不仅构建和推动了自给经济的长期发展,而且还要求对社区范围内的经济关系的计算和实施方式进行重大重组。本文探讨了从经济生产地点获得的数据如何让我们了解早期农业社区的经济关系结构,以便更好地根据考古记录检验这种政治经济破坏的主张。它通过分析约旦中西部的海兰遗址来做到这一点。 Al-Khayran 的历史可追溯至黎凡特南部中期前陶器新石器时代 B,即该地区首次出现以农业为主的经济时期。结果表明,典型的村落居住群在实行集约化农业生产的同时,会暂时、反复地居住在大型的田间结构中。这些结果表明,该地点的居民通过景观资本对周边进行了大量投资,进行了双重居住流动。这种行为表明,这一时期至少有一些居住群体确实是企业集团,它们在农业经济出现期间主动干预经济体系,积极主张和实行生产资料的私人持有。