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Species–environment sorting explains latitudinal patterns in spatiotemporal β‐diversity for freshwater macroinvertebrates
Ecography ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-28 , DOI: 10.1111/ecog.07111
Siwen He 1 , Beixin Wang 2 , Kai Chen 2, 3 , Ning Li 4 , Janne Soininen 5

Understanding how and why β‐diversity varies along latitude is a long‐standing challenge in community ecology and rarely addressed in both space and time. We aimed to explore the spatiotemporal variations in macroinvertebrate β‐diversity and their underlying drivers in eight biogeographic regions covering a substantial latitudinal gradient of more than 40 degrees. By combining β‐diversity partitioning and distance decay of community similarity analyses, we found that subtropical β‐diversity varies more in space relative to variation in time compared with temperate β‐diversity, as we predicted. This is probably because subtropical β‐diversity is shaped by species–environment sorting (SS), caused by habitat heterogeneity and species specialization, more strongly in space relative to time than temperate β‐diversity. Our study highlights the importance of SS in shaping latitudinal gradients of β‐diversity in space and time.


物种-环境分类解释了淡水大型无脊椎动物时空 β 多样性的纬度模式

了解β多样性如何以及为何随纬度变化是群落生态学中长期存在的挑战,并且很少在空间和时间上得到解决。我们的目的是探索覆盖超过 40 度纬度梯度的八个生物地理区域中大型无脊椎动物 β 多样性的时空变化及其潜在驱动因素。通过结合群落相似性分析的β多样性划分和距离衰减分析,我们发现与温带β多样性相比,亚热带β多样性在空间上的变化相对于时间变化更大,正如我们预测的那样。这可能是因为亚热带β多样性是由物种-环境排序(SS)决定的,而物种-环境排序(SS)是由生境异质性和物种专业化引起的,相对于时间而言,在空间上的β多样性比温带β多样性更强。我们的研究强调了 SS 在塑造 β-多样性在空间和时间上的纬度梯度方面的重要性。