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The next government must tackle our mental healthcare deficit
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-28 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q1443
Julian Hartley

Demand for mental health services has never been higher. Over 2 million people—1.5 million adults and over half a million children and young people—are on the waiting list for mental healthcare in England.1 Referrals have nearly doubled since the pandemic. These numbers—representing people in pain, anguish, and distress—have been growing at an alarming rate and are expected to rise further still. Over 90% of mental health trust leaders have told us they’re worried about whether their trust can meet this rising demand. Years of underinvestment in mental health services has led to a significant mismatch between demand and capacity. Where extra funding has been given in recent years, this has been hugely welcome, but it has been short term and narrowly focused. The impact has also been hampered by cuts to wider public services that are crucial to prevention, early …



对心理健康服务的需求从未如此之高。在英格兰,超过 200 万人(150 万成年人和超过 50 万儿童和青少年)在等待心理保健服务。1 自疫情大流行以来,转诊人数几乎增加了一倍。这些数字——代表了处于痛苦、痛苦和困扰中的人们——一直在以惊人的速度增长,并且预计还会进一步上升。超过 90% 的心理健康信托领导者告诉我们,他们担心他们的信托能否满足这一不断增长的需求。多年来对精神卫生服务的投资不足导致需求与能力之间严重不匹配。近年来提供了额外资金,这受到了极大的欢迎,但它是短期的且针对性狭窄。更广泛的公共服务的削减也阻碍了这种影响,而这些公共服务对于预防、早期……至关重要。