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Improving Labour Laws in Ghana: An Analysis of Collective Bargaining Agreements
Journal of Labor and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-31 , DOI: 10.1163/24714607-bja10157
Abdul Hamid Kwarteng 1 , Joseph Bawa 2 , Ken Kwaku Tweneboah Koduah 1

Collective bargaining agreements are the internationally recognised tool used to create a peaceful platform for employers and employees to come to the negotiation table and address their concerns peacefully. However, the Ghanaian labour setting is charaterised by constant agitations between employers and their employees, hence the concern of the study. The research methodology used in this article is qualitative, using specific research tools such as the descriptive method, dialectical materialism, analytical, and synthesis method. The findings of the article reveal that the Ghanaian labour laws contained in the Labour Act 2003 (Act 651) on collective bargaining agreements are defective mostly in its formulation, execution, and application. Among other defects, the Labour Act 2003 is too vague with no clear timelines. In this regard, the study recommends effective solutions on how to deal with these defective laws so as to ensure a cordial relationship between these two labour parties in Ghana.



集体谈判协议是国际公认的工具,用于为雇主和雇员建立一个和平平台,让他们能够走到谈判桌前和平地解决他们的关切。然而,加纳劳工环境的特点是雇主和雇员之间不断发生冲突,因此这项研究引起了关注。本文采用的研究方法是定性的,运用描述法、辩证唯物主义、分析法、综合法等具体研究工具。文章的调查结果表明,2003年《劳动法》(第651号法案)中关于集体谈判协议的加纳劳动法主要在制定、执行和适用方面存在缺陷。除其他缺陷外,2003 年《劳动法》过于模糊,没有明确的时间表。对此,研究就如何处理这些有缺陷的法律提出了有效的解决方案,以确保加纳这两个工党之间的融洽关系。