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Can AI robots foster social inclusion? Exploring the role of immersive augmentation in hospitality
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-02 , DOI: 10.1108/ijchm-09-2023-1459
Hector Gonzalez-Jimenez , Diego Costa Pinto


Grounded on the X Reality framework and human–machine collaboration, this study aims to explore the potential of immersive augmentation through artificial intelligence (AI) service robots for promoting social inclusion in the hospitality industry.


Three experimental studies across diverse hospitality contexts examine the effects of immersive augmentation using inclusive-AI service robots compared to standard-AI robots. The studies also uncover the underlying process of perceived ethicality and the moderating role of customers’ familiarity with AI.


The results indicate that immersive augmentation through inclusive-AI service robots generates higher levels of supportive tipping behavior (Studies 1 and 3), superior buying intentions (Study 2) and an increased likelihood for customers to pay a premium price (Study 2). These effects are mediated by perceived ethicality (Studies 1–3). However, the impact of immersive augmentation for social inclusion is contingent upon customers’ familiarity with AI: customers with high familiarity with AI exhibit lower levels of supportive tipping behavior (Study 3).

Research limitations/implications

The findings emphasize the importance of perceived ethicality and customers’ familiarity with AI in determining the effectiveness of immersive augmentation for social inclusion in hospitality.


This study contributes to the literature by exploring the potential of immersive augmentation using AI service robots for social inclusion in hospitality. It offers novel insights by highlighting the importance of perceived ethicality and customers’ familiarity with AI. The findings provide valuable guidance for hospitality managers seeking to leverage AI technology to foster social inclusion.




本研究基于 X Reality 框架和人机协作,旨在探索通过人工智能 (AI) 服务机器人进行沉浸式增强的潜力,以促进酒店业的社会包容性。




结果表明,通过包容性 AI 服务机器人实现的沉浸式增强会产生更高水平的支持性小费行为(研究 1 和 3)、更高的购买意愿(研究 2)以及更高的客户支付溢价的可能性(研究 2)。这些影响是通过感知道德来调节的(研究 1-3)。然而,沉浸式增强对社会包容性的影响取决于客户对人工智能的熟悉程度:对人工智能高度熟悉的客户表现出较低水平的支持性小费行为(研究 3)。




