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Adolescent Cultural Identity Development in Context: The Dynamic Interplay of the Identity Project With Classroom Cultural Diversity Climate in Italy and Germany
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-024-02031-5
Maja K Schachner 1 , Sophie Hölscher 1 , Ughetta Moscardino 2 , Chiara Ceccon 2 , Linda Juang 3 , Massimiliano Pastore 2

While both the classroom cultural diversity climate and curriculum-based interventions can promote cultural identity development, they have not been studied together. Drawing on theories of ethnic-racial identity development, the current study aimed to understand the dynamic interplay of a curriculum-based intervention (the Identity Project) with the classroom cultural diversity climate (heritage culture and intercultural learning, critical consciousness socialization and equal treatment) on cultural identity exploration and resolution. Our sample included 906 mid-adolescents in Italy (32.36% immigrant descent, Mage (SD) = 15.12 (0.68) years, 51.73% female), and 504 early adolescents in Germany (53.86% immigrant descent, Mage (SD) = 12.82 (0.89) years, 42.37% female). Bayesian multivariate linear models show that the Identity Project and a stronger critical consciousness climate in the classroom before the intervention promoted cultural identity exploration at post-test in both countries. However, effects of the intervention and facets of the diversity climate on subsequent resolution were only observed in Italy. There was some evidence that the intervention could alter the classroom cultural diversity climate in Germany, while the intervention could compensate for a less positive diversity climate in the slightly older sample in Italy. Thus, it seems promising to systematically build in opportunities to engage with students’ diverse heritage cultures and identities when developing new curricula, as well as to train teachers to implement such curricula.



虽然课堂文化多样性氛围和基于课程的干预措施都可以促进文化认同的发展,但它们并没有被放在一起研究。借鉴民族-种族身份发展理论,本研究旨在了解基于课程的干预(身份项目)与课堂文化多样性氛围(遗产文化和跨文化学习、批判意识社会化和平等对待)在文化身份探索和解决方面的动态相互作用。我们的样本包括意大利的 906 名青少年中期 (32.36% 移民血统,M年龄SD) = 15.12 (0.68) 岁,51.73% 女性),以及德国的 504 名早期青少年 (53.86% 移民血统,M年龄SD) = 12.82 (0.89) 岁,42.37% 女性)。贝叶斯多元线性模型表明,身份项目和干预前课堂上更强的批判意识氛围促进了两国测试后的文化认同探索。然而,仅在意大利观察到干预和多样性气候的各个方面对后续分辨率的影响。有一些证据表明,干预可以改变德国的课堂文化多样性氛围,而干预可以弥补意大利稍老样本中不太积极的多样性氛围。因此,在开发新课程时,系统地创造机会让学生接触不同的传统文化和身份,并培训教师实施此类课程,这似乎是有希望的。
