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Dynamic behavior of DNA molecules in microchannels: exploring deflective, elliptical, and spin motions induced by Saffman and Magnus forces
Lab on a Chip ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-28 , DOI: 10.1039/d4lc00140k
Zhiwei Li 1 , Qiong Wang 1 , Yong Niu 1 , Ruiyu Wang 2 , Wei Zhao 1 , Chen Zhang 1 , Guiren Wang 3 , Kaige Wang 1

Precise manipulation of individual DNA molecules entering and leaving the channel ports, as well as their smooth passage across the channel, is essential for the detection and screening of DNA molecules using nano-/micro-fluidic technologies. In this paper, by combining single-molecule fluorescence imaging and numerical simulations, the motion states of DNA molecules translocating through a microfluidic channel under the action of the applied electric field are monitored and analyzed in detail. It is found that, under certain conditions of the applied electric field DNA molecules exhibit various motion states, including translation crossing, deflection outflow, reverse outflow, reciprocal movement, and elliptical movement. Simulations indicate that, under the action of Saffman force, DNA molecules can only undergo deflective motion when they experience a velocity gradient in the microchannel flow field; and they can only undergo elliptical motion when their deflective motion is accompanied by a spin motion. In this case, the Magnus force also plays an important role. The detailed study and elucidation of the movement states, dynamic characteristics and mechanisms of DNA molecules such as the deflective and elliptical motions under the actions of Saffman and Magnus forces have helpful implications for the development of related DNA/gene nano-/microfluidic chips, and for the separation, screening and detection of DNA molecules.


微通道中 DNA 分子的动态行为:探索萨夫曼力和马格努斯力引起的偏转、椭圆和自旋运动

精确操纵单个 DNA 分子进入和离开通道端口,以及它们顺利穿过通道,对于使用纳米/微流体技术检测和筛选 DNA 分子至关重要。本文通过结合单分子荧光成像和数值模拟,详细监测和分析了DNA分子在外加电场作用下通过微流通道易位的运动状态。研究发现,在一定的外加电场条件下,DNA分子表现出多种运动状态,包括平移交叉、偏转流出、反向流出、往复运动和椭圆运动等。模拟表明,在萨夫曼力的作用下,DNA分子只有在微通道流场中经历速度梯度时才能发生偏转运动;只有当它们的偏转运动伴随着旋转运动时,它们才能进行椭圆运动。在这种情况下,马格努斯力也发挥着重要作用。详细研究和阐明DNA分子在萨夫曼力和马格努斯力作用下的偏转和椭圆运动等运动状态、动力学特征和机制,对于相关DNA/基因纳/微流控芯片的开发具有有益的意义。用于DNA分子的分离、筛选和检测。