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Jingle–Jangle Fallacies in L2 Motivational Self System Research: A Response to Al-Hoorie et al. (2024)
Applied Linguistics ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-27 , DOI: 10.1093/applin/amae041
Alastair Henry 1, 2 , Meng Liu 3

In a systematic examination of scales commonly used in L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS) research, Al-Hoorie et al. (2024) found discriminant validity problems. Raising jangle fallacy concerns, they argue that substantive research should be paused until validity issues are ironed out. However, validity at the measurement level is dependent on validity at the construct level. Replication attempts can fail when models are poorly theorized. To resolve problems at the measurement level, problems at the construct level need to be addressed.


L2 动机自我系统研究中的叮当铃谬误:对 Al-Hoorie 等人的回应(2024)

在对 L2 动机自我系统 (L2MSS) 研究中常用的量表进行系统检查时,Al-Hoorie 等人。 (2024)发现区分有效性问题。他们提出了刺耳谬误的担忧,认为应该暂停实质性研究,直到解决有效性问题。然而,测量水平的有效性取决于构造水平的有效性。当模型缺乏理论化时,复制尝试可能会失败。为了解决测量层面的问题,需要解决构建层面的问题。