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Review on Advances and Prospectives of Direct Air Capture: Thermodynamic Verification, Optimized Material Selection, and Technical Economic Assessment for the Application
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-27 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.4c00684
Chao Yi 1 , Bin Guan 1 , Zhongqi Zhuang 1 , Junyan Chen 1 , Jiangfeng Guo 1 , Yujun Chen 1 , Zeren Ma 1 , Chenyu Zhu 1 , SiKai Zhao 1 , Hongtao Dang 1 , Lei Chen 1 , Kaiyou Shu 1 , Yuan Li 1 , Kuangyi Shi 1 , Zelong Guo 1 , Jingqiu Hu 1 , Xuehan Hu 1 , Zhen Huang 1

To mitigate the rising threat to global climate aroused by dramatically increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions in recent years, the Paris Agreement sets a goal of limiting the rise in average global temperatures to 1.5 to 2 °C over preindustrial times. Traditional negative emissions technologies (NETs) are important approaches to reach that goal, but it is still not enough from a long-term perspective. Therefore, the research on direct air capture (DAC) is imperative now as a new promising approach. This paper first summarizes the different systems DAC can deal with, such as gas/solid, gas/liquid, and gas/polymer systems, and then illustrates the thermodynamic feasibilities of DAC under each condition. From a perspective of industrial practice, the review presents several hopeful chemical technologies from many aspects including capturing material, process flow, and techno-economic analysis, with contents allocated by the maturity of the technology. This review especially analyzes demonstration plants like Climeworks and explores experiences about how to transform early laboratory results based on unit operation into large-scale production. Finally, this review discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the technologies mentioned and provides some suggestions for future research and development.



为了减轻近年来人为二氧化碳 2 排放量急剧增加对全球气候造成的日益严重的威胁,《巴黎协定》设定了将全球平均气温较工业化前时期上升幅度限制在1.5至2°C的目标。传统的负排放技术(NET)是实现这一目标的重要方法,但从长远角度来看仍然不够。因此,直接空气捕获(DAC)作为一种新的有前途的方法的研究势在必行。本文首先总结了 DAC 可以处理的不同系统,例如气体/固体、气体/液体和气体/聚合物系统,然后说明了 DAC 在每种条件下的热力学可行性。综述从工业实践的角度,从物料捕获、工艺流程、技术经济分析等多个方面介绍了几种有希望的化工技术,并根据技术的成熟度来分配内容。本文重点分析了Climeworks等示范工厂,探讨了如何将早期基于单元操作的实验室成果转化为规模化生产的经验。最后,本文讨论了所提到的技术的优点和缺点,并为未来的研究和发展提供了一些建议。