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Management of cardiac sarcoidosis
European Heart Journal ( IF 37.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-26 , DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehae356
Rakesh Sharma 1, 2, 3 , Vasileios Kouranos 2, 4 , Leslie T Cooper 5 , Marco Metra 6 , Arsen Ristic 7 , Bettina Heidecker 8 , John Baksi 2, 9 , Eleanor Wicks 10, 11 , Jose L Merino 12 , Karin Klingel 13 , Massimo Imazio 14, 15 , Christian de Chillou 16, 17 , Carsten Tschöpe 18, 19 , Petr Kuchynka 20 , Steffen E Petersen 21, 22 , Theresa McDonagh 23 , Thomas Lüscher 24 , Gerasimos Filippatos 25

Cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) is a form of inflammatory cardiomyopathy associated with significant clinical complications such as high-degree atrioventricular block, ventricular tachycardia, and heart failure as well as sudden cardiac death. It is therefore important to provide an expert consensus statement summarizing the role of different available diagnostic tools and emphasizing the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. By integrating clinical information and the results of diagnostic tests, an accurate, validated, and timely diagnosis can be made, while alternative diagnoses can be reasonably excluded. This clinical expert consensus statement reviews the evidence on the management of different CS manifestations and provides advice to practicing clinicians in the field on the role of immunosuppression and the treatment of cardiac complications based on limited published data and the experience of international CS experts. The monitoring and risk stratification of patients with CS is also covered, while controversies and future research needs are explored.



心脏结节病(CS)是一种炎症性心肌病,伴有严重的临床并发症,如高度房室传导阻滞、室性心动过速、心力衰竭以及心源性猝死。因此,重要的是提供专家共识声明,总结不同可用诊断工具的作用并强调多学科方法的重要性。通过整合临床信息和诊断测试结果,可以做出准确、有效、及时的诊断,同时可以合理排除其他诊断。该临床专家共识声明回顾了不同 CS 表现的治疗证据,并根据有限的已发表数据和国际 CS 专家的经验,就免疫抑制的作用和心脏并发症的治疗向该领域的执业临床医生提供建议。还涵盖了 CS 患者的监测和风险分层,同时探讨了争议和未来的研究需求。