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Children and adolescents rectify unequal allocations of leadership duties in the classroom
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-26 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14123
Melanie Killen 1 , Amanda R Burkholder 2 , Elizabeth Brey 3 , Dylan Cooper 1 , Kristin Pauker 4

Little is known about how children and adolescents evaluate unequal teacher allocations of leadership duties based on ethnicity-race and gender in the classroom. U.S. boys and girls, White (40.7%), Multiracial (18.5%), Black/African American (16.0%), Latine (14.2%), Asian (5.5%), Pacific Islander (0.4%), and other (4.7%) ethnic-racial backgrounds, 8–14 years, N = 275, evaluated teacher allocations of high-status leadership positions favoring specific ethnic-racial or gender groups during 2018–2021. Adolescents, more than children, negatively evaluated unequal teacher allocations of leadership duties that resulted in group-based inequalities, expected peers who shared the identity of a group disadvantaged by the teacher's allocation to view it more negatively than others, and rectified inequalities. Understanding perceptions of teacher-based bias provides an opportunity for interventions designed to create fair and just classrooms that motivate all students to achieve.



关于儿童和青少年如何根据课堂上的民族种族和性别来评估教师不平等的领导职责分配,人们知之甚少。美国男孩和女孩、白人 (40.7%)、多种族 (18.5%)、黑人/非裔美国人 (16.0%)、拉丁裔 (14.2%)、亚裔 (5.5%)、太平洋岛民 (0.4%) 和其他 (4.7%) 族裔种族背景,8-14 岁,N = 275,评估了 2018-2021 年期间教师对有利于特定族裔种族或性别群体的高地位领导职位的分配。与儿童相比,青少年对教师领导职责分配不平等的负面评价导致了基于群体的不平等,期望与教师分配处于不利地位的群体身份相同的同龄人比其他人更消极地看待它,并纠正不平等。了解对基于教师的偏见的看法为旨在创造公平公正的课堂以激励所有学生取得成就的干预措施提供了机会。