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Modeled impacts of bouillon fortification with micronutrients on child mortality in Senegal, Burkina Faso, and Nigeria
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-26 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.15174
Lauren Thompson 1 , Emily Becher 1 , Katherine P. Adams 1, 2 , Demewoz Haile 3 , Neff Walker 4 , Hannah Tong 4 , Stephen A. Vosti 1, 5 , Reina Engle‐Stone 1, 2

Micronutrient interventions can reduce child mortality. By applying Micronutrient Intervention Modeling methods in Senegal, Burkina Faso, and Nigeria, we estimated the impacts of bouillon fortification on apparent dietary adequacy of vitamin A and zinc among children and folate among women. We then used the Lives Saved Tool to predict the impacts of bouillon fortification with ranges of vitamin A, zinc, and folic acid concentrations on lives saved among children 6–59 months of age. Fortification at 250 µg vitamin A/g and 120 µg folic acid/g was predicted to substantially reduce vitamin A– and folate-attributable deaths: 65% for vitamin A and 92% for folate (Senegal), 36% for vitamin A and 74% for folate (Burkina Faso), and >95% for both (Nigeria). Zinc fortification at 5 mg/g would avert 48% (Senegal), 31% (Burkina Faso), and 63% (Nigeria) of zinc-attributable deaths. The addition of all three nutrients at 30% of Codex nutrient reference values in 2.5 g bouillon was predicted to save an annual average of 293 child lives in Senegal (3.5% of deaths from all causes among children 6–59 months of age), 933 (2.1%) in Burkina Faso, and 18,362 (3.7%) in Nigeria. These results, along with evidence on program feasibility and costs, can help inform fortification program design discussions.



微量营养素干预措施可以降低儿童死亡率。通过在塞内加尔、布基纳法索和尼日利亚应用微量营养素干预模型方法,我们估计了肉汤强化对儿童维生素 A 和锌以及妇女叶酸表观膳食充足性的影响。然后,我们使用拯救生命工具来预测含有维生素 A、锌和叶酸浓度范围的肉汤强化对 6-59 个月大儿童拯救生命的影响。预计 250 µg 维生素 A/g 和 120 µg 叶酸/g 的强化将大幅减少维生素 A 和叶酸导致的死亡:维生素 A 为 65%,叶酸为 92%(塞内加尔);维生素 A 为 36%,叶酸为 74%。叶酸 %(布基纳法索),两者均 > 95%(尼日利亚)。 5 毫克/克锌强化可避免 48%(塞内加尔)、31%(布基纳法索)和 63%(尼日利亚)因锌导致的死亡。在 2.5 克肉汤中添加所有三种营养素(按食品法典营养参考值的 30%)预计每年平均可挽救塞内加尔 293 名儿童的生命(占 6-59 个月大儿童全因死亡的 3.5%),933布基纳法索 (2.1%) 和尼日利亚 18,362 (3.7%)。这些结果以及有关计划可行性和成本的证据可以帮助为防御计划设计讨论提供信息。