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What next for UK development assistance under the next government?
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-27 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q1392
Kent Buse , Martin McKee

The UK could regain its leadership in the provision of development assistance for health under the next government. But this doesn’t seem likely if the party manifestos are any guide, argue Kent Buse and Martin McKee The United Kingdom was once seen as a global leader in the provision of development assistance for health. The UK was a major contributor in areas such as maternal health, polio eradication, and inclusion of people with disabilities.1 Along with the Nordic countries it was one of a handful that had reached the United Nations target of spending 0.7% of gross national income (GNI) on development assistance and it was widely praised for its emphasis on evidence informed approaches, transparency, and accountability. However, this reputation has been tarnished since 2020, when the then government cut spending to 0.5% and—in a highly symbolic act that signified the subordination of development assistance to the national interest—moved the Department for International Development (DfID) into what became the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). An increasing share of the budget was diverted from spending overseas to support the growing number of asylum seekers in the UK, increasing from 3.2% in 2016 to 28% in 2023.2 There is a clear moral argument for providing development assistance to alleviate poverty and ill health in poorer countries. However, for many politicians the more compelling arguments—stronger than ever in an increasingly unstable world—are pragmatic. A paper signed by Rishi Sunak and his colleagues in the FCDO sets out the many ways that development assistance helps achieve the UK’s other policies.3 Migration is featuring prominently in the election debates and development assistance is needed to tackle the …



在下一届政府的领导下,英国可能重新获得在提供卫生发展援助方面的领导地位。但肯特·布斯(Kent Buse)和马丁·麦基(Martin McKee)认为,如果以政党宣言为指导的话,这似乎不太可能。英国曾被视为提供卫生发展援助的全球领导者。英国是孕产妇保健、根除脊髓灰质炎和包容残疾人等领域的主要贡献者。1与北欧国家一样,英国是少数几个达到联合国支出占国民总收入 0.7% 目标的国家之一。 (GNI) 致力于发展援助,并因其强调证据知情方法、透明度和问责制而受到广泛赞誉。然而,自 2020 年以来,这种声誉已经受到玷污,当时的政府将支出削减至 0.5%,并且这一具有高度象征意义的举动标志着发展援助从属于国家利益,将国际发展部 (DfID) 转变为外交、联邦和发展办公室 (FCDO)。越来越多的预算用于海外支出,用于支持英国日益增长的寻求庇护者人数,从 2016 年的 3.2% 增加到 2023 年的 28%。2 提供发展援助以减轻贫困和健康状况不佳是有明确道德依据的在较贫穷的国家。然而,对于许多政治家来说,更令人信服的论点——在日益不稳定的世界中比以往任何时候都更有说服力——是务实的。 Rishi Sunak 及其 FCDO 同事签署的一份文件阐述了发展援助帮助实现英国其他政策的多种方式。3 移民问题在选举辩论中占据突出地位,需要发展援助来解决……