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Taxing sweetened drinks . . . and other stories
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-27 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q1354
British Medical Journal Publishing Group

Seattle is one of seven US cities that have implemented taxes on sweetened beverages. Sales have fallen and a complicated analysis of longitudinal data on 6000 children finds evidence of a reduction in adiposity. The primary outcome was children’s BMIp95, which is body mass index expressed as a percentage of the 95th percentile for an age and sex-matched reference population—a measure of adiposity thought to be better at capturing change than a BMI z score. Children living in the city showed a greater change in BMIp95 than those living in a nearby non-taxed comparison area ( JAMA Netw Open doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.13644). Twenty five year follow-up of 600 people who presented …


对含糖饮料征税。 。 。和其他故事

西雅图是美国七个对含糖饮料征税的城市之一。销售额下降了,对 6000 名儿童的纵向数据进行的复杂分析发现了肥胖减少的证据。主要结果是儿童的 BMIp95,这是一种体重指数,以年龄和性别匹配参考人群的第 95 个百分位的百分比表示,这是一种肥胖程度的衡量标准,被认为比 BMI z 分数更能捕捉变化。居住在城市的儿童的 BMIp95 变化比居住在附近非纳税比较区域的儿童更大 (JAMA Netw Open doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.13644)。对 600 名提出……的人进行了二十五年的跟踪调查