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A scoping review assessing the usability of digital health technologies targeting people with multiple sclerosis
npj Digital Medicine ( IF 12.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-25 , DOI: 10.1038/s41746-024-01162-0
Fiona Tea 1 , Adam M R Groh 2 , Colleen Lacey 3 , Afolasade Fakolade 4

Digital health technologies (DHTs) have become progressively more integrated into the healthcare of people with multiple sclerosis (MS). To ensure that DHTs meet end-users’ needs, it is essential to assess their usability. The objective of this study was to determine how DHTs targeting people with MS incorporate usability characteristics into their design and/or evaluation. We conducted a scoping review of DHT studies in MS published from 2010 to the present using PubMed, Web of Science, OVID Medline, CINAHL, Embase, and medRxiv. Covidence was used to facilitate the review. We included articles that focused on people with MS and/or their caregivers, studied DHTs (including mhealth, telehealth, and wearables), and employed quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods designs. Thirty-two studies that assessed usability were included, which represents a minority of studies (26%) that assessed DHTs in MS. The most common DHT was mobile applications (n = 23, 70%). Overall, studies were highly heterogeneous with respect to what usability principles were considered and how usability was assessed. These findings suggest that there is a major gap in the application of standardized usability assessments to DHTs in MS. Improvements in the standardization of usability assessments will have implications for the future of digital health care for people with MS.



数字健康技术 (DHT) 已逐渐融入多发性硬化症 (MS) 患者的医疗保健中。为了确保 DHT 满足最终用户的需求,评估其可用性至关重要。本研究的目的是确定针对多发性硬化症患者的 DHT 如何将可用性特征纳入其设计和/或评估中。我们对 2010 年至今使用 PubMed、Web of Science、OVID Medline、CINAHL、Embase 和 medRxiv 发表的 MS 中 DHT 研究进行了范围界定审查。 Covidence 用于促进审查。我们纳入了关注多发性硬化症患者和/或其护理人员的文章,研究了 DHT(包括移动医疗、远程医疗和可穿戴设备),并采用了定量、定性或混合方法设计。其中包括 32 项评估可用性的研究,这代表了评估 DHT 在 MS 中的研究的少数(26%)。最常见的 DHT 是移动应用程序 ( n = 23, 70%)。总体而言,在考虑哪些可用性原则以及如何评估可用性方面,研究存在很大差异。这些发现表明,在 MS 中 DHT 标准化可用性评估的应用方面存在重大差距。可用性评估标准化的改进将对多发性硬化症患者的数字医疗保健的未来产生影响。
