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Arterial stiffness assessment by pulse wave velocity in postmenopausal women: comparison between noninvasive devices.
Menopause ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-25 , DOI: 10.1097/gme.0000000000002383 Lucimere Bohn , Jessica Rial-Vázquez , Iván Nine 1 , María Rúa-Alonso , Juan Fariñas 1 , Manuel Avelino Giráldez-García 1 , Jorge Mota 2 , Eliseo Iglesias-Soler 1
Menopause ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-25 , DOI: 10.1097/gme.0000000000002383 Lucimere Bohn , Jessica Rial-Vázquez , Iván Nine 1 , María Rúa-Alonso , Juan Fariñas 1 , Manuel Avelino Giráldez-García 1 , Jorge Mota 2 , Eliseo Iglesias-Soler 1
This study aimed to ascertain the accuracy of measure arterial stiffness using the HUAWEI GT 3 Pro smartwatch and pOpmètre device against the SphygmoCor (algorithms: intersect tangent and maximum of the second derivate).
本研究旨在确定使用 HUAWEI GT 3 Pro 智能手表和 pOpmètre 设备相对于 SphygmoCor(算法:相交正切和二阶导数最大值)测量动脉僵硬度的准确性。
本研究旨在确定使用 HUAWEI GT 3 Pro 智能手表和 pOpmètre 设备相对于 SphygmoCor(算法:相交正切和二阶导数最大值)测量动脉僵硬度的准确性。