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Unveiling the optimal regression model for source apportionment of the oxidative potential of PM10
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-26 , DOI: 10.5194/acp-24-7261-2024
Vy Dinh Ngoc Thuy , Jean-Luc Jaffrezo , Ian Hough , Pamela A. Dominutti , Guillaume Salque Moreton , Grégory Gille , Florie Francony , Arabelle Patron-Anquez , Olivier Favez , Gaëlle Uzu

Abstract. The capacity of particulate matter (PM) to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) in vivo leading to oxidative stress is thought to be a main pathway in the health effects of PM inhalation. Exogenous ROS from PM can be assessed by acellular oxidative potential (OP) measurements as a proxy of the induction of oxidative stress in the lungs. Here, we investigate the importance of OP apportionment methods for OP distribution by PM10 sources in different types of environments. PM10 sources derived from receptor models (e.g., EPA positive matrix factorization (EPA PMF)) are coupled with regression models expressing the associations between PM10 sources and PM10 OP measured by ascorbic acid (OPAA) and dithiothreitol assay (OPDTT). These relationships are compared for eight regression techniques: ordinary least squares, weighted least squares, positive least squares, Ridge, Lasso, generalized linear model, random forest, and multilayer perceptron. The models are evaluated on 1 year of PM10 samples and chemical analyses at each of six sites of different typologies in France to assess the possible impact of PM source variability on PM10 OP apportionment. PM10 source-specific OPDTT and OPAA and out-of-sample apportionment accuracy vary substantially by model, highlighting the importance of model selection according to the datasets. Recommendations for the selection of the most accurate model are provided, encompassing considerations such as multicollinearity and homoscedasticity.


揭示 PM10 氧化电位来源解析的最佳回归模型

摘要。颗粒物 (PM) 在体内产生活性氧 (ROS) 并导致氧化应激的能力被认为是吸入 PM 健康影响的主要途径。 PM 中的外源 ROS 可以通过无细胞氧化电位 (OP) 测量来评估,作为肺部氧化应激诱导的指标。在这里,我们研究了不同类型环境中 PM10 来源的 OP 分配方法对于 OP 分配的重要性。源自受体模型(例如 EPA 正矩阵分解 (EPA PMF))的 PM10 来源与回归模型相结合,表达 PM10 来源与通过抗坏血酸 (OPAA) 和二硫苏糖醇测定 (OPDTT) 测量的 PM10 OP 之间的关联。使用八种回归技术比较这些关系:普通最小二乘法、加权最小二乘法、正最小二乘法、岭法、套索法、广义线性模型、随机森林和多层感知器。这些模型对法国不同类型的六个地点中每一个地点的 1 年 PM10 样本和化学分析进行了评估,以评估 PM 来源变化对 PM10 OP 分配的可能影响。 PM10 源特定的 OPDTT 和 OPAA 以及样本外分配精度因模型而异,这凸显了根据数据集选择模型的重要性。提供了选择最准确模型的建议,包括多重共线性和同方差等考虑因素。