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Scarlett McNally: Alternative manifestos can help us plan our future
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-25 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q1361
Scarlett McNally

Life comes in waves. We remember the exciting events, but most of our life is routine. It’s similar with health. As a surgeon, I realise that people think of health as operations, scans, decisions, and lifesaving interventions. As a patient, I’m grateful that these amazing treatments exist. But we must think of prevention as an important part of health, since 40% of ill health is preventable and most of it relates to our environments and how we live.1 Political parties publish their manifestos in the run-up to an election, but many other organisations have published their own alternative manifestos, advocating for other areas of focus. We should respect the thought that goes into each one. Every citizen should ponder carefully what they want the future to be like and whether these manifestos align with …



生命是波涛汹涌的。我们记得那些激动人心的事件,但我们生活的大部分时间都是例行公事。这与健康类似。作为一名外科医生,我意识到人们将健康视为手术、扫描、决策和挽救生命的干预措施。作为一名患者,我很感激这些神奇的治疗方法的存在。但我们必须将预防视为健康的重要组成部分,因为 40% 的健康不良是可以预防的,其中大部分与我们的环境和生活方式有关。1 政党在选举前夕发表宣言,但许多其他组织也发表了自己的替代宣言,倡导其他重点领域。我们应该尊重每个人的想法。每个公民都应该仔细思考他们想要的未来是什么样子,以及这些宣言是否符合......