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Helen Salisbury: Physician associates in general practice—time to pause and reflect
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-25 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q1393
Helen Salisbury

Last week the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) advised its members to halt the recruitment of physician associates (PAs).1 This came after a review of survey results showing its members’ experiences of, and views on, the PA role. The responses were analysed by an independent research company and published in full—in welcome contrast to events that followed a similar study in another royal college.2 More than 5000 GPs and GP trainees responded to the RCGP questionnaire, around 10% of the membership. The headline findings are that four in five respondents are concerned about patient safety, and 50% are aware of specific examples of safety being compromised by misdiagnosis, …



上周,皇家全科医生学院 (RCGP) 建议其会员停止招募医师助理 (PA)。1 在此之前,对其会员对 PA 角色的经历和看法的调查结果进行了审查。这些回复由一家独立研究公司进行分析并全文发布,与另一家皇家学院进行类似研究后发生的事件形成鲜明对比。2 超过 5000 名全科医生和全科医生学员回答了 RCGP 调查问卷,约占会员的 10%。主要调查结果是,五分之四的受访者担心患者安全,50% 的受访者意识到因误诊而损害安全的具体例子,……