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NPCC4: Climate change and New York City's health risk
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-25 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.15115
Thomas Matte 1 , Kathryn Lane 2 , Jenna F. Tipaldo 3 , Janice Barnes 4 , Kim Knowlton 1 , Emily Torem 2 , Gowri Anand 5 , Liv Yoon 6 , Peter Marcotullio 7 , Deborah Balk 8 , Juanita Constible 9 , Hayley Elszasz 10 , Kazuhiko Ito 2 , Sonal Jessel 11 , Vijay Limaye 9 , Robbie Parks 1 , Mallory Rutigliano 12 , Cecilia Sorenson 1, 13, 14 , Ariel Yuan 2

This chapter of the New York City Panel on Climate Change 4 (NPCC4) report considers climate health risks, vulnerabilities, and resilience strategies in New York City's unique urban context. It updates evidence since the last health assessment in 2015 as part of NPCC2 and addresses climate health risks and vulnerabilities that have emerged as especially salient to NYC since 2015. Climate health risks from heat and flooding are emphasized. In addition, other climate-sensitive exposures harmful to human health are considered, including outdoor and indoor air pollution, including aeroallergens; insect vectors of human illness; waterborne infectious and chemical contaminants; and compounding of climate health risks with other public health emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Evidence-informed strategies for reducing future climate risks to health are considered.



纽约市气候变化专门委员会第四次 (NPCC4) 报告的这一章考虑了纽约市独特城市背景下的气候健康风险、脆弱性和复原力策略。作为 NPCC2 的一部分,它更新了自 2015 年上次健康评估以来的证据,并解决了自 2015 年以来纽约市特别突出的气候健康风险和脆弱性。强调了高温和洪水带来的气候健康风险。此外,还考虑了对人类健康有害的其他气候敏感暴露,包括室外和室内空气污染,包括空气过敏原;人类疾病的昆虫媒介;水传播的传染性和化学污染物;以及气候健康风险与其他突发公共卫生事件(例如 COVID-19 大流行)的复合。考虑了减少未来气候对健康风险的循证策略。