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The changing post‐Brexit UK‐EU relationship and rules‐based global governance
Global Policy ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-25 , DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.13400
Nicholas Sowels 1

In 2023, relations between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) began taking on a more reasoned approach. The Windsor Framework, agreed in February between the Sunak government and the EU, resolved most of the tensions about trade with Northern Ireland. 2023 also witnessed a more pragmatic approach to dealing with several issues harming (British) business and unnecessarily grating post‐Brexit relations with the EU. Furthermore, the UK has shown quite staunch support for Ukraine, and Britain's geopolitical interests today are broadly similar to the EU's in a world in which the rules‐based international order underpinning global governance is greatly weakened. The nature of Brexit, however, is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.



2023 年,欧盟 (EU) 和英国 (UK) 之间的关系开始采取更加理性的态度。苏纳克政府和欧盟于二月份达成的温莎框架解决了与北爱尔兰贸易的大部分紧张局势。 2023 年,我们还采取了更加务实的方法来处理一些损害(英国)商业的问题以及不必要地恶化英国脱欧后与欧盟关系的问题。此外,英国对乌克兰表现出了相当坚定的支持,而如今,在支撑全球治理的基于规则的国际秩序被大大削弱的世界中,英国的地缘政治利益与欧盟的利益大致相似。然而,英国脱欧的性质在可预见的未来不太可能改变。