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Front Cover: An Atypically Bent Isocyanide at Iron in a Tetrapodal Penta-Carbene Framework (Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 18/2024)
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-25 , DOI: 10.1002/ejic.202481801
Michael R. Gau 1 , Taylor M. Keller 1 , Jeremiah J. Scepaniak 2

The Front Cover shows a complex of iron supported in a tetrapodal penta-carbene framework exhibiting an unexpected and rare nonlinear tertbutylisocyanide moiety symbolized by a bent spoon amongst an otherwise normal table setting. The short Fe−C bond of 1.8076(18) Å, an Fe−C−N bond angle of 169.63(16)° and a bond angle of 142.67(18)° about the isocyanide nitrogen atom are consistent with sp and sp2 hybridization, respectively. These metrics are consistent with the carbenic resonance form of isocyanide bonding that is induced by excellent π-backbonding and rarely observed at iron; thereby exemplifying the excellent donor ability of our penta-carbene ligand. More information can be found in the Research Article by J. J. Scepaniak and co-workers.


封面:四足五碳烯框架中铁的非典型弯曲异氰化物(Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 18/2024)

封面展示了由四足五碳烯框架支撑的铁复合物,呈现出意想不到且罕见的非线性叔丁基异氰化物部分,在正常的餐桌布置中以弯曲的勺子为象征。短Fe−C键为1.8076(18) Å,Fe−C−N键角为169.63(16)°,异氰氮原子的键角为142.67(18)°,与sp和sp 分别杂交。这些指标与异氰化物键合的碳共振形式一致,异氰化物键合是由优异的 π-背键合诱导的,并且在铁上很少观察到;从而证明了我们的五卡宾配体优异的供体能力。更多信息可以在 J. J. Scepaniak 及其同事的研究文章中找到。