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Liturgical Spaces and Devotional Spaces: Analysis of the Choirs of Three Catalan Nuns’ Monasteries during the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-25 , DOI: 10.3390/arts13040112
Marta Crispí 1

Choirs in female monastic and convent communities are spaces whose complexity has been highlighted because of their multipurpose and multifunctional nature. Although they are within the community’s private sphere of prayer of the divine office, it has also been noted that they play a liturgical role as the space from which the nuns ‘hear’ and follow the celebrations taking place in the church and even in the choral altars. The devotional–liturgical binomial is joined by other contrasting terms, like esglesia dintra–sgleya de fora, indicating a duality, as follows: the claustration (as an enclosed, internal and private space of the nuns) and the external church accessible to priests and laypeople, as well as private devotion versus community devotion. The Poor Clares of the monastery of Sant Antoni i Santa Clara actually mentioned the choir altar as nostro altar, underscoring the close bonds that joined them to a liturgical table in this private space, as opposed to those of the esglesia defora. The objective of this article is to study the choirs of three female monasteries in Barcelona during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries—Sant Pere de les Puel·les (Benedictines), Sant Antoni i Santa Clara and Santa Maria de Pedralbes (both Clarissan)—from a holistic standpoint, including spaces, functions, goods, furnishings and decorations.



女修道院和女修道院社区中的唱诗班空间因其多用途和多功能性而显得复杂。尽管它们属于社区神圣办公室祈祷的私人范围,但也有人指出,它们发挥着礼拜仪式的作用,作为修女们“听到”并跟随教堂甚至合唱团中发生的庆祝活动的空间祭坛。灵修-礼仪二项式与其他对比术语结合在一起,例如esglesia dintra-sgleya de fora,表明了二元性,如下:封闭式空间(作为修女的封闭的内部和私人空间)以及牧师和牧师可以进入的外部教堂。外行人,以及私人奉献与社区奉献。圣安东尼奥圣克拉拉修道院的可怜的克莱尔实际上将唱诗班祭坛称为“nostro altar”,强调了将他们与这个私人空间的礼拜桌联系在一起的密切联系,而不是在esglesia defora。本文的目的是研究 14 世纪和 15 世纪巴塞罗那三座女修道院的唱诗班——Sant Pere de les Puel·les(本笃会)、Sant Antoni i Santa Clara 和 Santa Maria de Pedralbes(均为 Clarissan)——整体观点,包括空间、功能、物品、家具和装饰。