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Securitization of Energy Transitions in Estonia, Finland and Norway
International Political Sociology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-22 , DOI: 10.1093/ips/olae017
Marja Helena Sivonen 1, 2 , Paula Kivimaa 1, 3

This paper analyses the extent to which zero-carbon energy transitions are a securitized phenomenon in selected countries and what that means for sustainability transitions more broadly. Without taking a normative stance on securitization, we focus on the ways in which security is constructed through in-depth interviews with experts in the energy, security, and defense sectors in Estonia, Finland, and Norway. We use a securitization framework to study how securitization as a process is discussed by identifying “securitization moves.” The analysis is also connected to the literature on sustainability transitions: the zero-carbon energy transition can be depicted as a large-scale socio-technical transition related to environmental sustainability. Our findings suggest that energy transitions are securitized to an extent because we were able to detect all “securitization moves” in the interview data. The interviews showed different ways in which security is interpreted and what is achieved by its construction in specific contexts. For example, the identified threats were connected to preserving sovereignty in Estonia, the inability to openly discuss threats related to energy transitions created new concerns in Finland, and the connections between the two sectors were urgently and inescapably addressed in Norway only after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022.



本文分析了零碳能源转型在选定国家中的证券化现象的程度,以及这对更广泛的可持续转型意味着什么。我们对安全化不采取规范立场,而是通过对爱沙尼亚、芬兰和挪威能源、安全和国防部门专家的深入访谈,重点关注安全的构建方式。我们使用证券化框架来研究如何通过识别“证券化举措”来讨论证券化作为一个过程。该分析还与可持续性转型的文献相关:零碳能源转型可以被描述为与环境可持续性相关的大规模社会技术转型。我们的研究结果表明,能源转型在一定程度上是证券化的,因为我们能够在访谈数据中发现所有“证券化举措”。访谈展示了解释安全的不同方式以及在特定背景下构建安全的效果。例如,已确定的威胁与维护爱沙尼亚的主权有关,无法公开讨论与能源转型相关的威胁在芬兰引起了新的担忧,而只有在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰之后,挪威才紧急且不可避免地解决了这两个部门之间的联系。 2022 年。