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hp-version C1-continuous Petrov–Galerkin method for nonlinear second-order initial value problems with application to wave equations
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-21 , DOI: 10.1093/imanum/drae036
Lina Wang 1, 2 , Mingzhu Zhang 1 , Hongjiong Tian 1 , Lijun Yi 1

We introduce and analyze an $hp$-version $C^{1}$-continuous Petrov–Galerkin (CPG) method for nonlinear initial value problems of second-order ordinary differential equations. We derive a-priori error estimates in the $L^{2}$-, $L^{\infty }$-, $H^{1}$- and $H^{2}$-norms that are completely explicit in the local time steps and local approximation degrees. Moreover, we show that the $hp$-version $C^{1}$-CPG method superconverges at the nodal points of the time partition with regard to the time steps and approximation degrees. As an application, we apply the $hp$-version $C^{1}$-CPG method to time discretization of nonlinear wave equations. Several numerical examples are presented to verify the theoretical results.


hp 版本 C1 连续 Petrov-Galerkin 方法,用于非线性二阶初始值问题及其在波动方程中的应用

我们介绍并分析了一种 $hp$ 版 $C^{1}$ 连续 Petrov-Galerkin (CPG) 方法,用于二阶常微分方程的非线性初始值问题。我们在 $L^{2}$-、$L^{\infty }$-、$H^{1}$- 和 $H^{2}$-范数中推导出先验误差估计,这些估计在本地时间步长和局部近似度中是完全明确的。此外,我们表明 $hp$ 版本 $C^{1}$-CPG 方法在时间步长和近似度方面在时间分区的节点处超收敛。作为一个应用程序,我们将 $hp$-version $C^{1}$-CPG 方法应用于非线性波动方程的时间离散化。给出了几个数值算例来验证理论结果。