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Equivariant 3-manifolds with positive scalar curvature
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1090/tran/9181
Tsz-Kiu Aaron Chow , Yangyang Li

In this paper, for any compact Lie group G G , we show that the space of G G -equivariant Riemannian metrics with positive scalar curvature (PSC) on any closed three-manifold is either empty or contractible. In particular, we prove the generalized Smale conjecture for spherical three-orbifolds. Moreover, for connected G G , we make a classification of all PSC G G -equivariant three-manifolds.


具有正标量曲率的等变 3 流形

在本文中,对于任何紧凑的李群 G G ,我们表明在任何封闭的三流形上具有正标量曲率 (PSC) 的 G G 等变黎曼度量的空间要么是空的,要么是可收缩的。特别是,我们证明了球形三球形的广义 Smale 猜想。此外,对于连通的 G G ,我们对所有 PSC G G -等变三流形进行分类。
