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Separating path systems of almost linear size
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1090/tran/9187
Shoham Letzter

A separating path system for a graph G G is a collection P \mathcal {P} of paths in G G such that for every two edges e e and f f , there is a path in P \mathcal {P} that contains e e but not f f . We show that every n n -vertex graph has a separating path system of size O ( n log n ) O(n \log ^* n) . This improves upon the previous best upper bound of O ( n log n ) O(n \log n) , and makes progress towards a conjecture of Falgas-Ravry–Kittipassorn–Korándi–Letzter–Narayanan and Balogh–Csaba–Martin–Pluhár, according to which an O ( n ) O(n) bound should hold.



图 G G 的分离路径系统是 G G 中路径的集合 P \mathcal {P} ,使得对于每两条边 e e 和 f f ,P \mathcal {P} 中有一个路径包含 e e 但不包含 f f 。我们表明每个 n n -vertex 图都有一个大小为 O ( n log ∗ n ) O(n \log ^* n) 的分离路径系统。这改进了之前的最佳上限 O ( n log n ) O(n \log n) ,并向 Falgas-Ravry-Kittipassorn-Korándi-Letzter-Narayanan 和 Balogh-Csaba-Martin-Pluhár 的猜想取得了进展,根据该猜想,O ( n ) O(n) 边界应该成立。
