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Return intentions among Ukrainian refugees in Europe: A Cross‐National Study
International Migration ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-22 , DOI: 10.1111/imig.13291
Frank van Tubergen 1, 2 , Gusta G. Wachter 1 , Yuliya Kosyakova 3, 4 , Irena Kogan 5

This study examines the return intentions of Ukrainian refugee women who fled to various European countries following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. By analysing data from the cross‐national OneUA survey, which included over 18,000 respondents in eight European countries, this research investigates the interplay of contextual, compositional, and cross‐level interaction effects on their intentions to return to Ukraine. Our findings reveal notable country differences in return intentions, with Ukrainian women in the Netherlands and Germany displaying the lowest intentions to return, while those in Moldova and Romania showing the highest. Individual‐level effects, encompassing factors such as level of education, language skills, partnership status, and region of origin play a significant role in shaping return intentions, yet do not explain the observed country variations. Furthermore, we find that individual‐level effects are remarkably consistent across different European countries, suggesting that country‐ and individual‐level conditions independently shape return intentions. Overall, this study enhances our understanding of the complexities underlying refugees' return intentions, shedding light on both the broad influences of country context and the significance of individual characteristics.



本研究调查了 2022 年俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后逃往欧洲各国的乌克兰难民妇女的返回意图。通过分析 OneUA 跨国调查(包括八个欧洲国家的 18,000 多名受访者)的数据,本研究调查了背景、构成和跨层次的相互作用对他们返回乌克兰的意图产生影响。我们的研究结果显示,不同国家的回返意愿存在显着差异,荷兰和德国的乌克兰妇女的回返意愿最低,而摩尔多瓦和罗马尼亚的乌克兰妇女的回返意愿最高。个人层面的影响,包括教育水平、语言技能、伴侣关系状况和原籍地区等因素,在塑造回国意向方面发挥着重要作用,但并不能解释观察到的国家差异。此外,我们发现不同欧洲国家的个人层面影响非常一致,这表明国家和个人层面的条件独立影响回归意图。总体而言,这项研究增强了我们对难民返回意图背后的复杂性的理解,揭示了国家背景的广泛影响和个人特征的重要性。