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Competition among simultaneously stimulated multiple hydraulic fractures: Insights from DEM simulation with the consideration of fluid partitioning
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-22 , DOI: 10.1002/nag.3801
Xuejian Li 1 , Kang Duan 1 , Moli Zhao 1 , Qiangyong Zhang 2 , Luchao Wang 1 , Rihua Jiang 1

Stimulating long and persistent fractures from multiple perforations in horizontal wells plays a vital role in enhancing the recovery of hydrocarbons from unconventional reservoirs. However, interaction among fractures may lead to dramatic nonuniformity, but the mechanism that drives the competition still eludes explanation. We proposed an improved two‐dimensional discrete element model to simulate fluid competition and stress interaction among perforations in the same fracturing stage. The fluid partitioning is implemented by dynamically dividing the injected fluid into different perforations to maintain pressure consistency and fluid conservation. The model is validated by comparing the induced stress, fracture aperture, and the evolution of the fracture height and the injection pressure with theoretical models. The influences of the perforation friction, fluid viscosity and injection rate are examined systematically. Simulation results reveal that fluid competition tends to stimulate one dominant fracture with other perforations suppressed. The effect of increasing the perforation friction for promoting the fluid partitioning is not remarkable while using more viscous fracturing fluid helps to initiate more fractures at the perforations. With a higher injection rate all fractures can propagate to the borders but the asymmetrical fracture pattern cannot be avoided. Four typical fracture patterns are distinguished by changing operational parameters.


同时刺激的多个水力裂缝之间的竞争:考虑流体分配的 DEM 模拟的见解
