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Optimized design of macro-microreactor for scale-up of liquid–liquid chemical processes
AIChE Journal ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-21 , DOI: 10.1002/aic.18508
Shuangfei Zhao 1, 2 , Xin Hu 2, 3 , Huiyue Wang 1, 2 , Yihuan Liu 1, 2 , Zheng Fang 1, 2 , Kai Guo 1, 2 , Ning Zhu 1, 2

The scale-up of microreactor-based flow chemical process represents a grand challenge in chemical engineering. The small characteristic size (<1000 μm) of a typical microreactor leads to not only microscale effect (process intensification) but also low throughput. Here, we report macro-microreactor to achieve scale-up of liquid–liquid chemical operation with process intensification. By incorporating the designed internals based on computational fluid dynamics, the characteristic size of the macro-microreactor is expanded into 3000–4000 μm. The optimized design of macro-microreactor with helical-shaped internal exhibits both similar or even stronger microscale effect and high throughput in contrast to the typical microreactor. For the liquid–liquid chemical process, seven times higher mass transfer coefficient and about half reduction of the pressure drop are realized. These macro-microreactors would find further applications in industrial chemical manufacturing.



基于微反应器的连续化学工艺的放大是化学工程中的一个巨大挑战。典型微反应器的小特征尺寸(<1000 μm)不仅导致微尺度效应(过程强化),而且导致通量低。在这里,我们报告了宏微反应器,以实现液-液化学操作的规模化和过程强化。通过结合基于计算流体动力学设计的内部结构,宏微反应器的特征尺寸扩大到3000-4000μm。优化设计的螺旋形内部宏微反应器与典型微反应器相比,表现出相似甚至更强的微尺度效应和高通量。对于液-液化学过程,传质系数提高了七倍,压降降低了一半左右。这些宏微反应器将在工业化学品制造中找到进一步的应用。