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Temperature-dependent emissions dominate aerosol and ozone formation in Los Angeles
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-20 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adg8204
Eva Y. Pfannerstill 1 , Caleb Arata 1 , Qindan Zhu 2, 3, 4 , Benjamin C. Schulze 4 , Ryan Ward 4 , Roy Woods 5 , Colin Harkins 3, 6 , Rebecca H. Schwantes 6 , John H. Seinfeld 4 , Anthony Bucholtz 5 , Ronald C. Cohen 2, 7 , Allen H. Goldstein 1, 8

Despite declines in transportation emissions, urban North America and Europe still face unhealthy air pollution levels. This has challenged conventional understanding of the sources of their volatile organic compound (VOC) precursors. Using airborne flux measurements to map emissions of a wide range of VOCs, we demonstrate that biogenic terpenoid emissions contribute ~60% of emitted VOC OH reactivity, ozone, and secondary organic aerosol formation potential in summertime Los Angeles and that this contribution strongly increases with temperature. This implies that control of nitrogen oxides is key to reducing ozone formation in Los Angeles. We also show some anthropogenic VOC emissions increase with temperature, which is an effect not represented in current inventories. Air pollution mitigation efforts must consider that climate warming will strongly change emission amounts and composition.



尽管交通排放量有所下降,北美和欧洲的城市仍然面临着不健康的空气污染水平。这挑战了对其挥发性有机化合物 (VOC) 前体来源的传统理解。使用空气通量测量来绘制各种 VOC 的排放图,我们证明生物萜类化合物排放占洛杉矶夏季排放 VOC OH 反应性、臭氧和二次有机气溶胶形成潜力的约 60%,并且这种贡献随着温度的升高而急剧增加。这意味着控制氮氧化物是减少洛杉矶臭氧形成的关键。我们还表明,一些人为 VOC 排放量会随着温度的升高而增加,这是当前清单中未体现的效应。减少空气污染的努力必须考虑到气候变暖将强烈改变排放量和构成。