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Are expectations of labour and birth fulfilled? A qualitative investigation of first‐time parents
Journal of Advanced Nursing ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-24 , DOI: 10.1111/jan.16274
Elisabetta Colciago 1 , Ann Robinson 2 , Sara Ornaghi 1, 3 , Simona Fumagalli 1, 3 , Laura Antolini 1 , Antonella Nespoli 1, 3 , Anna Maria Brown 2

AimTo describe if first‐time parents' expectations of labour and birth, explored during the third trimester of pregnancy, were fulfilled or not when investigated 1 year following birth.DesignQualitative Husserlian phenomenological approach.MethodsThe sample comprises 10 parents (five couples), who participated in an online semi‐structured audio‐recorded individual interview conducted 1 year after birth, between September 2020 and October 2020. Parents' expectations of labour and birth, described throughout a focus group discussion on pregnancy, were compared with their experience explored 1 year after birth. A thematic analysis was adopted and member checking was used to validate participants' thoughts.ResultsParticipants gave birth in a II level maternity unit and one‐to‐one midwifery care was provided. Although during the focus group conducted in pregnancy, women reported being aware of the unpredictable nature of childbirth, they expressed sadness and failure after experiencing some unexpected interventions. The midwife was a reassuring guide, as expected; however, sometimes, the communication was not effective, and women perceived lack of support. Some women partly blame themselves for not being prepared to manage labour pain, which hurt more than expected. Feeling of uncertainty about events were experienced in relation to seeking care at an early stage of labour, which confirmed the fears expressed during pregnancy. During the antenatal focus group discussion, fathers doubted they could be helpful for the labouring women. This negative emotion was confirmed after birth. However, they understood the importance to be present and to support their partner.ConclusionsOne year after birth, participants had consistent memories of their birth experience. Professionals might identify fundamental components of quality maternity care that are meaningful for parents, with the potential to generate a long‐term positive health impact on them. Respectful maternity care should be ensured through a family‐centred approach, with the aim to promote satisfaction.Implications for the Profession and/or Patient CareThe study highlights the importance of taking parents' expectations into account when providing antenatal care to tailor individualized support that addresses their distinct needs and preferences. Healthcare professionals might consider initiating a post‐natal discussion with parents to assess whether their needs and perspectives have been addressed. This perspective may present valuable insights to achieve long‐term positive outcomes, provide high‐quality maternity care, address issues and make improvements.ImpactThe study showed that 1 year after birth, parents can accurately recall their birth. They might also give significant insights into fundamental components of care that they value as crucial to shape a positive birthing experience. Professionals should use this information to build solutions, promoting long‐term well‐being for parents. Respectful interactions and trusting relationships emerged as key elements in parents' experience. A midwifery care focused on parents' needs may contribute to the achievement of positive birth memories.Reporting MethodThis study used the Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research checklist.Patient or Public ContributionNo patient or public contribution.



目的描述在妊娠晚期探索的首次父母对分娩和生育的期望在出生后一年进行调查时是否得到满足。设计定性胡塞尔现象学方法。方法样本包括 10 名父母(五对夫妇),他们参与在出生后一年(2020 年 9 月至 2020 年 10 月)进行的在线半结构化录音个人访谈中。在关于怀孕的焦点小组讨论中描述的父母对分娩和分娩的期望与他们在出生后一年探索的经历进行了比较诞生。采用主题分析和成员检查来验证参与者的想法。结果参与者在二级产科病房分娩,并提供一对一的助产护理。尽管在怀孕期间进行的焦点小组中,女性表示意识到分娩的不可预测性,但在经历了一些意外的干预后,她们表达了悲伤和失败。不出所料,助产士是一位令人安心的向导。然而,有时沟通并不有效,妇女感到缺乏支持。一些女性部分归咎于自己没有做好应对分娩疼痛的准备,导致分娩疼痛超出预期。在分娩早期寻求护理时,人们对事件感到不确定,这证实了怀孕期间表达的恐惧。在产前焦点小组讨论中,父亲们怀疑它们能否对产妇有所帮助。这种负面情绪在出生后就得到了证实。然而,他们明白陪伴和支持伴侣的重要性。 结论 出生一年后,参与者对自己的出生经历有一致的记忆。 专业人士可能会确定对父母有意义的优质孕产妇护理的基本组成部分,并有可能对他们产生长期积极的健康影响。应通过以家庭为中心的方法确保尊重的产妇护理,以提高满意度。对职业和/或患者护理的影响该研究强调了在提供产前护理时考虑父母期望的重要性,以定制个性化支持,以解决问题他们独特的需求和偏好。医疗保健专业人员可能会考虑与父母发起产后讨论,以评估他们的需求和观点是否得到解决。这一观点可能会为实现长期积极成果、提供高质量的产妇护理、解决问题和做出改进提供有价值的见解。影响研究表明,出生后一年,父母可以准确地回忆起自己的出生。他们还可能对护理的基本组成部分提供重要见解,他们认为这些组成部分对于塑造积极的分娩体验至关重要。专业人士应该利用这些信息来制定解决方案,促进父母的长期福祉。尊重的互动和信任的关系成为父母体验的关键要素。专注于父母需求的助产护理可能有助于实现积极的出生记忆。报告方法本研究使用报告定性研究清单的标准。患者或公众贡献没有患者或公众贡献。