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Kinematics and coordination of moth flies walking on smooth and rough surfaces
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-22 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.15176
Erin E. Brandt 1 , Maria R. Manyama 1 , Jasmine A. Nirody 1

The moth fly, Clogmia albipunctata, is a common synanthropic insect with a worldwide range that lives in nearly any area with moist, decaying organic matter. These habitats comprise both smooth, slippery substrates (e.g., bathroom drains) and heterogeneous, bumpy ground (e.g., soil in plant pots). By using terrain of varying levels of roughness, we focus specifically on how substrate roughness at the approximate size scale of the organism affects kinematics and coordination in adult moth flies. Finally, we compare and contrast our characterizations of locomotion in C. albipunctata with previous work of insect walking in naturalistic environments.



蛾蝇(Clogmia albipunctata)是一种常见的共生昆虫,分布范围遍及世界各地,几乎生活在任何有潮湿、腐烂有机物的地区。这些栖息地包括光滑、湿滑的基质(例如浴室排水沟)和异质、凹凸不平的地面(例如花盆中的土壤)。通过使用不同粗糙度水平的地形,我们特别关注生物体近似尺寸范围内的基质粗糙度如何影响成年蛾蝇的运动学和协调性。最后,我们将 C. albipunctata 的运动特征与之前昆虫在自然环境中行走的研究进行了比较和对比。