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Enhanced electrochemical and photocatalytic performance achieved through dual incorporation of SnO2 and WO3 nanoparticles into LDH layer fabricated on PEO-coated AZ31 Mg alloy
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jma.2024.05.001
Muhammad Ali Khan , Ananda Repycha Safira , Mosab Kaseem , Arash Fattah-alhosseini

This study explores the potential of LDH flakes decorated with metallic oxide nanoparticles to function as both anti-corrosion barriers against chloride anions and heterogeneous photocatalysts for tetracycline degradation under visible light. The process involves modifying the primarily MgO-based inorganic porous film by growing a MgFe LDH film, followed by the individual and dual incorporation of SnO and WO nanoparticles. The dual incorporation of these nanoparticles into the LDH matrix leads to synergistic interactions, effectively sealing pre-existing defects within LDH flakes and facilitating the in-situ formation of catalytic sites through oxidation and the induction of surface oxygen vacancy defects, which synergistically contribute to the enhancement of both electrochemical and photocatalytic activities. The enhanced electrochemical stability is reflected in a significant reduction in corrosion current density by 4 orders of magnitude compared to unmodified porous film. Additionally, the decorated film demonstrates sustained photocatalytic functionality, achieving significant degradation (95.5%) of tetracycline within two hours. This study presents a novel approach, highlighting the dual effectiveness of LDHs decorated by dual metal oxides as an anti-corrosive agent and photocatalyst, with promising implications for environmental remediation and wastewater purification.


通过将 SnO2 和 WO3 纳米粒子双重掺入 PEO 涂层 AZ31 镁合金上制备的 LDH 层中,实现增强的电化学和光催化性能

本研究探讨了用金属氧化物纳米粒子装饰的 LDH 薄片作为氯阴离子防腐屏障和可见光下四环素降解的异质光催化剂的潜力。该过程包括通过生长 MgFe LDH 薄膜来改性主要基于 MgO 的无机多孔薄膜,然后单独和双重掺入 SnO 和 WO 纳米颗粒。这些纳米颗粒双重掺入LDH基质中会产生协同相互作用,有效密封LDH薄片内预先存在的缺陷,并通过氧化和诱导表面氧空位缺陷促进催化位点的原位形成,从而协同促进增强电化学和光催化活性。与未改性的多孔膜相比,电化学稳定性的增强体现在腐蚀电流密度显着降低了4个数量级。此外,装饰膜表现出持续的光催化功能,在两小时内实现四环素的显着降解(95.5%)。这项研究提出了一种新颖的方法,强调了双金属氧化物修饰的LDH作为防腐剂和光催化剂的双重功效,对环境修复和废水净化具有广阔的前景。