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Using rapport building to improve information yield when interviewing adolescents: A systematic review and call for research
Child Abuse & Neglect ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2024.106898
Rachel E. Dianiska , Jodi A. Quas , Thomas D. Lyon

Adolescents frequently experience and witness violence and crime, yet very little research has been conducted to determine how best to question these witnesses to elicit complete and accurate disclosures. This systematic review integrated scientific research on rapport building with child and adult witnesses with theory and research on adolescent development in order to identify rapport building techniques likely to be effective with suspected adolescent victims and witnesses. Four databases were searched to identify investigations of rapport building in forensic interviewing of adolescents. Despite decades of research of studies including child and adult participants, only one study since 1990 experimentally tested techniques to build rapport with adolescents. Most rapport strategies used with children and adults have yet to be tested with adolescents. Tests of these strategies, along with modifications based on developmental science of adolescence, would provide a roadmap to determining which approaches are most beneficial when questioning adolescent victims and witnesses. There is a clear need for research that tests what strategies are best to use with adolescents. They may be reluctant to disclose information about stressful or traumatic experiences to adults due to both normative developmental processes and the types of events about which they are questioned in legal settings. Rapport building approaches tailored to address adolescents' motivational needs may be effective in increasing adolescents' reporting, and additional research testing such approaches will provide much-needed insight to inform the development of evidence-based practices for questioning these youth.



青少年经常经历和目睹暴力和犯罪,但很少有研究来确定如何最好地询问这些证人以获得完整和准确的披露。这项系统审查将与儿童和成人证人建立融洽关系的科学研究与青少年发展的理论和研究结合起来,以确定可能对疑似青少年受害者和证人有效的建立融洽关系的技术。检索了四个数据库,以确定青少年法医访谈中建立融洽关系的调查。尽管数十年来对包括儿童和成人参与者在内的研究进行了研究,但自 1990 年以来只有一项研究通过实验测试了与青少年建立融洽关系的技术。大多数针对儿童和成人的融洽策略尚未在青少年中得到检验。对这些策略的测试以及基于青春期发展科学的修改将提供一个路线图,以确定在询问青少年受害者和证人时哪些方法最有益。显然需要进行研究来测试哪些策略最适合青少年使用。由于规范的发展过程以及他们在法律环境中受到质疑的事件类型,他们可能不愿意向成年人透露有关压力或创伤经历的信息。为满足青少年动机需求而量身定制的融洽关系建设方法可能会有效地增加青少年的报告,并且对此类方法进行额外的研究测试将提供急需的见解,从而为询问这些青少年的循证实践的发展提供信息。