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Crafting illusions: Human-made composite coating used to simulate amber beads in prehistoric Iberia
Journal of Archaeological Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2024.106011
Carlos P. Odriozola , José Ángel Garrido-Cordero , Ana C. Sousa , José María Martínez-Blanes , Galo Romero-García , Daniel Sánchez-Gómez , Manel Edo i Benaigues , Diego Romero-Vera , María Dolores Simón-Vallejo , María Dolores Zambrana Vega , José Luis Molina González

The discovery of a set of beads, comprising both Sicilian amber and resin-coated beads in the Middle Bronze Age burial site of Cova del Gegant (Sitges, Barcelona, Spain), has sparked inquiries into whether the coating was intended for imitation or counterfeiting of amber. We assert that human-made materials, such as bead coatings, are intentionally conceived, designed, and crafted to fulfill specific functions. Thus, for an object to effectively fulfill its intended purpose, it must meet particular performance criteria influenced by situational factors.



在 Cova del Gegant(西班牙巴塞罗那锡切斯)的中世纪青铜时代墓地发现了一组由西西里琥珀和树脂涂层珠子组成的珠子,引发了人们对这种涂层是否旨在仿制或伪造的质疑。琥珀色。我们断言,人造材料(例如微珠涂层)是经过有意构思、设计和制作的,旨在实现特定功能。因此,为了有效地实现其预期目的,对象必须满足受情境因素影响的特定性能标准。