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Factors affecting the cessation of commercial air services at English regional airports
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2024.103922
Lucy Budd , Stephen Ison , Anne Graham

Although much of the existing research on regional airports focuses on their contribution to regional economic development, regional airports in England, as in other deregulated markets, operate in a highly competitive market and not all have been able to sustain commercial flights. This paper examines the factors that have led to the cessation of commercial air services at English regional airports following liberalisation of the European air transport market in 1992. Six factors which have contributed to air service cessation are identified and potential futures for smaller regional airports discussed.



尽管现有关于支线机场的研究大多集中在其对区域经济发展的贡献上,但与其他放松管制的市场一样,英格兰的支线机场在竞争激烈的市场中运营,并非所有支线机场都能够维持商业航班。本文探讨了 1992 年欧洲航空运输市场自由化后导致英国支线机场停止商业航空服务的因素。确定了导致航空服务停止的六个因素,并讨论了小型支线机场的潜在未来。