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Analyzing shared mobility markets in Europe: A comparative analysis of shared mobility schemes across 311 European cities
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2024.103918
Elnert Coenegrachts , Thierry Vanelslander , Ann Verhetsel , Joris Beckers

The progression of shared mobility across Europe is remarkable. While station-based car and bike sharing have a more extended history, particularly in major European (capital) cities, recent advancements in modal types and operational models have significantly transformed the shared mobility landscape. Rapid expansion by private organisations has broadened access to shared mobility services across Europe. However, not all European cities are considered potentially viable markets due to local factors such as stringent regulatory frameworks and unfavourable economic conditions. The composition of the local offerings influences how citizens use these services, impacting travel behaviour and the local transport networks differently. Therefore, understanding the availability of various shared mobility schemes across Europe is essential for comprehending the market structure, its development, the providers' decision drivers, and the potential consequences for local transportation systems.


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