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Exploring the versatility of hop essential oil (Humulus lupulus L.): Bridging brewing traditions with modern industry applications
Industrial Crops and Products ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2024.118974
Patrícia Fonseca Duarte , Lucas Henrique do Nascimento , Valmor José Bandiera , Bruno Fischer , Ilizandra Aparecida Fernandes , Natalia Paroul , Alexander Junges

Hop essential oil (HEO), extracted from the hop plant ( L.), is a pivotal player in the brewing industry and presents diverse opportunities across various products. This article aims to underscore the uniqueness of HEO, emphasizing not only its critical role in beer production but also its aromatic and functional properties that extend beyond the brewing sector. In contrast to similar articles, this review goes beyond the traditional application of HEO in brewing and highlights its emerging role in diverse sectors such as aromatherapy, personal care products, and the food industry. The array of aromatic profiles from different hop varieties allows breweries to innovate and create a wide spectrum of unique flavors and aromas, offering a distinctive approach in the brewing landscape. The significance of this manuscript lies in addressing the increasing demand for natural and aromatic products, propelling the growth of the HEO market.


探索啤酒花精油(Humulus lupulus L.)的多功能性:将酿造传统与现代工业应用联系起来

从啤酒花植物 (L.) 中提取的啤酒花精油 (HEO) 是酿造行业的关键参与者,为各种产品提供了多样化的机会。本文旨在强调 HEO 的独特性,不仅强调其在啤酒生产中的关键作用,而且强调其芳香和功能特性超出了酿造行业的范围。与类似的文章相比,这篇评论超越了 HEO 在酿造中的传统应用,并强调了它在芳香疗法、个人护理产品和食品工业等不同领域的新兴作用。不同啤酒花品种的一系列芳香特征使啤酒厂能够创新并创造出各种独特的风味和香气,从而在酿造领域提供独特的方法。本手稿的意义在于解决对天然和芳香产品日益增长的需求,推动 HEO 市场的增长。