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Secure Similarity Queries Over Vertically Distributed Data via TEE-Enhanced Cloud Computing
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-12 , DOI: 10.1109/tifs.2024.3413630
Yandong Zheng 1 , Hui Zhu 1 , Rongxing Lu 2 , Songnian Zhang 1 , Yunguo Guan 3 , Fengwei Wang 1 , Jun Shao 4 , Hui Li 1

Outsourcing big data to cloud servers has gained prominence, and growing concerns about privacy, alongside privacy-related regulations, underscore the need to encrypt data before sending them to the cloud. Nevertheless, encryption significantly hampers the query capabilities of data, particularly in the case of vertically distributed data. This paper focuses on developing secure and efficient similarity query schemes for vertically distributed data in cloud environments. As is known, current solutions are constrained by limitations in query efficiency, approximate query results, and their ability to support vertical data. To address these issues, we introduce two novel schemes: a Fast Similarity Query Scheme (FSQ) and a Non-interactive Similarity Query Scheme (NoSQ) for outsourced distributed data. In the FSQ scheme, we enhance query efficiency by designing a trusted execution environment (TEE) assisted fast secret sharing (FSS) scheme and a series of FSS-based private algorithms, enabling secure data index construction and fast similarity query processing. For the NoSQ scheme, we eliminate communication overheads by designing a TEE assisted non-interactive secret sharing (NoSS) scheme and a series of NoSS-based private algorithms. Both schemes have undergone rigorous security validation using a simulation-based real/ideal worlds model, and their efficiency has been confirmed through comprehensive experiments.


通过 TEE 增强型云计算对垂直分布数据进行安全相似性查询
