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Phase 1/2 AAV5-hRKp.RPGR (Botaretigene Sparoparvovec) Gene Therapy: Safety and Efficacy in RPGR-associated X-linked Retinitis Pigmentosa
American Journal of Ophthalmology ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ajo.2024.05.034
Michel Michaelides 1 , Cagri G Besirli 2 , Yesa Yang 1 , Thales A C DE Guimaraes 1 , Sui Chien Wong 3 , Rachel M Huckfeldt 4 , Jason I Comander 4 , José-Alain Sahel 5 , Syed Mahmood Shah 6 , James J L Tee 1 , Neruban Kumaran 7 , Anastasios Georgiadis 8 , Pansy Minnick 9 , Robert Zeldin 8 , Stuart Naylor 8 , Jialin Xu 9 , Michael Clark 9 , Eddy Anglade 9 , Peggy Wong 9 , Penny R Fleck 9 , Albert Fung 9 , Colleen Peluso 9 , Angelos Kalitzeos 1 , Michalis Georgiou 10 , Caterina Ripamonti 11 , Alexander J Smith 12 , Robin R Ali 13 , Alexandria Forbes 8 , James Bainbridge 1

To assess the safety and efficacy of AAV5-hRKp. in participants with retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator ()-associated X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP). Open-label, phase 1/2 dose escalation/expansion study (NCT03252847) Males (≥5 years old) with XLRP- were evaluated. In the dose escalation phase, subretinal AAV5-hRKp. (low: 1.0×10 vg/ml; intermediate: 2.0×10 vg/ml; high: 4.0×10 vg/ml) was administered to the poorer-seeing eye (n = 10). Dose confirmation (intermediate dose) was carried out in 3 pediatric participants. In the dose expansion phase, 36 participants were randomized 1:1:1 to immediate (low or intermediate dose) or deferred (control) treatment. The primary outcome was safety. Secondary efficacy outcomes included static perimetry, microperimetry, vision-guided mobility, best corrected visual acuity, and contrast sensitivity. Safety and efficacy outcomes were assessed for 52 weeks for immediate treatment participants and 26 weeks for control participants. AAV5-hRKp. was safe and well tolerated, with no reported dose-limiting events. Most adverse events (AEs) were transient and related to the surgical procedure, resolving without intervention. Two serious AEs were reported with immediate treatment (retinal detachment, uveitis). A third serious AE (increased intraocular pressure) was reported outside the reporting period. All ocular inflammation–related AEs responded to corticosteroids. Treatment with AAV5-hRKp. resulted in improvements in retinal sensitivity and functional vision compared with the deferred group at Week 26; similar trends were observed at Week 52. AAV5-hRKp. demonstrated an anticipated and manageable AE profile through 52 weeks. Safety and efficacy findings support investigation in a phase 3 trial.


1/2 期 AAV5-hRKp.RPGR (Botaretigene Sparoparvovec) 基因治疗:RPGR 相关 X 连锁视网膜色素变性的安全性和有效性

评估 AAV5-hRKp 的安全性和有效性。患有色素性视网膜炎 GTP 酶调节因子 () 相关 X 连锁色素性视网膜炎 (XLRP) 的参与者。开放标签、1/2 期剂量递增/扩展研究 (NCT03252847) 对使用 XLRP- 的男性(≥5 岁)进行了评估。在剂量递增阶段,视网膜下 AAV5-hRKp。 (低:1.0×10 vg/ml;中:2.0×10 vg/ml;高:4.0×10 vg/ml)给予视力较差的眼睛(n = 10)。对 3 名儿科参与者进行了剂量确认(中间剂量)。在剂量扩展阶段,36 名参与者按 1:1:1 随机分配至立即(低或中剂量)或延迟(对照)治疗。主要结果是安全性。次要疗效结果包括静态视野检查、显微视野检查、视力引导移动性、最佳矫正视力和对比敏感度。对立即治疗参与者的安全性和有效性结果进行了 52 周的评估,对对照参与者的安全性和有效性结果进行了 26 周的评估。 AAV5-hRKp。安全且耐受性良好,没有报告剂量限制事件。大多数不良事件 (AE) 都是短暂的,与手术过程相关,无需干预即可解决。报告了两种严重的 AE,需要立即治疗(视网膜脱离、葡萄膜炎)。报告期外报告了第三次严重 AE(眼压升高)。所有与眼部炎症相关的 AE 均对皮质类固醇有反应。用 AAV5-hRKp 治疗。与延迟组相比,第 26 周时视网膜敏感性和功能性视力得到改善;在第 52 周观察到类似的趋势。AAV5-hRKp。在 52 周内展示了预期且可管理的 AE 特征。安全性和有效性研究结果支持三期试验的调查。