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A Liouville optimal control framework in prostate cancer
Applied Mathematical Modelling ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2024.06.014
H. Edduweh , S. Roy

In this work we present a new stochastic framework for obtaining optimal treatment regimes in prostate cancer. We model the realistic scenario of randomized clinical trials for incorporating randomness related to interaction between a prostate cancer cell and androgen cell quota, due to cancer heterogeneities, across different patients in a given group, using a Liouville partial differential equation. We then solve two optimization problems: one for determining the model parameters to fit the measured data and the second to determine the optimal androgen deprivation therapy. The optimization problems are implemented using a positive, stable, and conservative finite volume solver for the Liouville equations and the projected non-linear conjugate gradient method. Several numerical results, including comparison with ordinary differential equations modeling framework, demonstrate the robustness and accuracy of our proposed framework to obtain optimal treatment regimes in real time.


