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A new-proposed triangular- prism flame radiation model of large-scale spilling fire to subsurface convection flow area
Process Safety and Environmental Protection ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2024.06.065
Manhou Li , Ranran Li , Changjian Wang

The usage of liquid fuel is commonly subjected to a spilling fire due to the accidental leakage. The flame radiation is the primary heat transfer mode in supporting the advancement of large-scale spilling fire. In this work, spilling fires are carried out based on a 6 m × 0.8 m × 0.1 m tray, and the spilling fire performance and flame radiation are examined. The instantaneous flame height and mass burning rate versus fire spread distance are examined. The radiation heat flux of large-scale spilling fire to subsurface flow area is obtained by dividing the flame configuration into a triangular-prism flame and a cuboid flame. The multi-cuboid flame equivalent-division method is proposed to estimate the radiation heat flux of leading triangular-prism flame, finding that the maximal 70 equivalent divisions are sufficiently accurate. The proportion of triangular-prism flame radiation to total heat flux reduces from 100 % to 50 % during spilling fire propagation. The triangular-prism flame radiation plays a dominant role in heat transfer to the subsurface flow area while the cuboid flame radiation plays a secondary role. The current research is of great significance for revealing heat transfer mechanism and predicting rate of spilling fire.


