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Indefinitely Flat Circular Velocities and the Baryonic Tully–Fisher Relation from Weak Lensing
The Astrophysical Journal Letters ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-20 , DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad54b0
Tobias Mistele , Stacy McGaugh , Federico Lelli , James Schombert , Pengfei Li

We use a new deprojection formula to infer the gravitational potential around isolated galaxies from weak gravitational lensing. The results imply circular velocity curves that remain flat for hundreds of kiloparsecs, greatly extending the classic result from 21 cm observations. Indeed, there is no clear hint of a decline out to 1 Mpc, well beyond the expected virial radii of dark matter halos. Binning the data by mass reveals a correlation with the flat circular speed that closely agrees with the baryonic Tully–Fisher relation known from kinematic data. These results apply to both early- and late-type galaxies, indicating a common universal behavior.



我们使用新的反投影公式从弱引力透镜中推断孤立星系周围的引力势。结果表明,圆速度曲线在数百千秒差距内保持平坦,极大地扩展了 21 厘米观测的经典结果。事实上,没有明显迹象表明下降到 1 Mpc,远远超出了暗物质晕的预期维里半径。按质量对数据进行分箱揭示了与平面圆周速度的相关性,该相关性与从运动学数据中已知的重子塔利-费舍尔关系密切一致。这些结果适用于早型和晚型星系,表明了一种共同的普遍行为。